lunedì 24 novembre 2014

BurCon2014 breakfast and panel

-Jared suona il campanaccio e poi lo fa anche Jensen.
-Jared e Jensen hanno sentito la musica del 200esimo solo dopo e si sono commossi.
-Jared e Jensen si erano messi a vedere le ragazze recitare il tutto sul palco e gli è scesa una 'single man tear'. Jensen: "Quando è cambiato il nome? Da 'One perfect tear'?"
-Jensen parla di All Hell Breaks Loose e dello girare con la 'One Perfect Tear'.
-Jensen e Jared imitano la crew quando è molto divertita.
-La reazione di Jensen a Dean e Cass nella recita era nello script. Lo sguardo alla telecamera no. E' stata un'idea di Phil di tenerlo nell'episodio. "Abbiamo rotto un altro muro."
-Jared: "Quando Jensen ha guardato nella telecamera ho fangirlato! Ha guardato me!"

-Chiedono a Jensen se ha indossato il kilt in Ten Inch Hero in modo appropriato. Jensen: "Se stavo indossando il kilt con niente sotto? Si. Fino a che non ho offeso qualcuno. Poi ho dovuto mettermi le mutande per far si che non ci mandassero fuori dal negozio."
-Jensen: "Sono senza mutande ora." Jared controlla.
-Jared: "Penso che i fratelli siano sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda quest'anno."
-Jensen ha aggiunto la reazione imbarazzata di Dean nel dire 'bitch' a Marie. Non era nello script.
-Jared non aveva intenzione di colpire Misha così duramente con la torta, voleva solo che non scappasse via.
-A Jensen è piaciuto lo scherzo di Misha a Jared con le monetine e la risposta di Jared poi. Hanno usato 60.000 monetine.

Christmas w/ Friends

"It’s moving right along! keep an eye out for more updates from the recording process. We’ve had two guest singers in so far, and 4 more scheduled next week. It’s really coming together nicely, and we’re having a blast recording. The official release date will be DEC. 1st, but I wanted to go ahead and get a pre-order link up so I’ll have a good idea of how many to print and get ready for international shipping. (so much writing!) So there are 2 options here, one for U.S. shipping and one for International shipping. For those of you just wanting a download, that will be available as well, on the release date of DEC. 1st. (obviously this is just for folks not involved in the kickstarter, or for those who were but want copies for family or friends. )"
Pre-order the album

venerdì 21 novembre 2014

venerdì 14 novembre 2014

'Supernatural' sneak peek: Go behind the scenes of the 200th episode

BTS dell'episodio 10x05 con intervista a Jared e Jensen

Transcript:Sgriccia: ci siamo, pronti, azione!
Jared: lavorare sul set di Supernatural per dieci anni è di ispirazione e in qualche modo incredibile.
Sam: Dean non c'è nulla qui che suggerisce lontanamente che ci sia un caso.
Dean: non c'è nulla qui che suggerisce lontanamente che non ci sia un caso. Boom.
Jensen: Sam e Dean trovano un caso che coinvolge un paio di sparizioni.
Jared: in una scuola.
Jensen: in una scuola femminile. Quindi immaginate la sorpresa sulle facce di Sam e Dean quando passano attraverso quelle porte e si trovano di fronte la produzione teatrale di un musical.
Ragazza che interpreta Dean: (Cantato) John e Mary, marito e moglie, portano a casa una nuova vita. Il suo nome è Sammy. Io sono il fratello maggiore Dean.
Ragazza che interpreta Bobby: noi stiamo mettendo in piedi la nostra interpretazione dei libri di Supernatural di Carver Edlund.
Ragazza che interpreta Dean: noi stiamo cantando le loro vite e loro sono davvero confusi.
Dean: non c'è il canto in Supernatural
Maeve: no ci sembrano il tipo di persone a cui piacciono i musical, specialmente Dean. Come se cantare fosse una stregoneria o qualcosa di simile.
Ragazza che interpreta John: stiamo registrando una canzone che si chiama 'The road so far' ed è fantastica.
Ragazza che interpreta Bobby: è meraviglioso, ed è così divertente e amo questa barba e non riesco a smettere di giocarci.
"Voi siete idioti!"
Quindi questo episodio è davvero speciale perchè è il duecentesimo.
Ragazza che interpreta Castiel: il che vuol dire che è stata una strada lunga per tutti questi fans per andare avanti
Ragazza che interpreta Dean: (Cantato) e nella strada percorsa noi siamo nella macchina di papà.
Ragazza regista: Taglia!
Ragazza che interpreta John: non molti show in effetti sono mai riusciti a fare 200 episodi, se non Ophra.
Ragazza che interpreta Castiel: questo è una sorta di sguardo su tutto quello che è successo un riassunto di tutto, ricordando a voi le piccole relazioni che ha costruito.
Jared: è quasi un saluto ai fans
Dean: noi siamo qui perchè voi amate Supernatural
Ragazza che interpreta Mary: in realtà stavo pensando a qualcosa di stregato
Jensen: noi prestiamo attenzione ai nostri fans, perchè sono stati davvero dei campioni per noi, per così tanti anni, ed è davvero la ragione per cui siamo ancora seduti qui e stiamo parlando dell'episodio 200 e penso che questo sia un piccolo 'tanto di cappello' a questo.
Ragazza che fa la regista: voglio dire, ci siamo vicini, ma solo, ha bisogno ancora di qualcosa...


On the Set: Supernatural Stars Reveal 200th Episode Will Heavily Draw from Fandom Lore

Supernatural celebrates its 200th episode on Tuesday with what showrunner Jeremy Carver has called "a love letter to the fans." The episode finds Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) on a case at an all-girls school that's in the middle of producing a musical based on the Carver Edlund Supernatural books. But don't expect the musical to hew closely to canon.

What the Supernatural musical episode should look like

"The person who wrote what you're seeing on stage took some liberties," Ackles told us during a recent visit to the set. "Fans should expect to see "Some Sam and Dean stereotypes," added Padalecki.
In fact, the episode, titled "Fan Fiction," is part of a long-running Supernatural tradition of breaking the fourth wall and incorporating the show's fandom into the story line (think "The Monster at the End of the Book," "The Real Ghostbusters," and everything involving Becky Rosen).
"The writers are very aware of what the fans think, and the fans are, I think, very aware that the writers are very aware of what they think," Padalecki explained. "So we've been able to kind of poke fun of ourselves in a way that we knew the fans would enjoy because they've kind of asked for it."
To find out more of what Ackles and Padalecki revealed about the 200th episode, watch the full video below.

'Supernatural': Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki On Reaching 200 Episodes

"Supernatural" reaches a new milestone on Tuesday night as it airs its 200th episode.
Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean Winchester on The CW show, told Access Hollywood he never could have predicted they would make it to this point.
"I didn't think we'd make it to Season 2. There's such a high failure rate with television these days and it was just the same back when we started in 2005. Just getting on air was like an 87 percent failure rate," Jensen told Access in Vancouver last month on the red carpet at the "Supernatural" 200th episode party.
"The odds were stacked against us, so just to make it through Season 1 and get a pick up to Season 2 was a huge sigh. The fact that we're now talking about 200 episodes? I don’t think we really understand it and I don't think I will understand it until the show is over and I stand back and I'm able to actually look back and reflect upon what it actually was 'cause I'm still in it right [now] and we're still in the trenches and we're still fighting the war and it ain't over," he added.
Jared Padalecki, who plays Sam Winchester, said he is thrilled to have reached this point.
"It's been this weird kind of comedy of errors and this very lucky situation where we started out at [The WB], went to The CW and we had a few of the same crew, and obviously, [The CW President] Mark Pedowitz came in and loved the show and kept us going strong right when it could've been a coin toss and either heads or tails, heads they stay, tails they leave and he kept us around and we've had this new, fresh breath of life breathed into our show, and here we are," Jared said. "And I still sometimes can't believe it. It's amazing."
Tuesday's episode, titled "Fan Fiction," has been described as a love letter to the show's devoted fans and it will see Jensen's Dean and Jared's Sam Winchester, follow up on a case that leads them to a girls' high school where the Winchesters' story is being recreated on the stage.
"They're actually doing a musical version of Sam and Dean Winchester's lives and so Sam and Dean Winchester go to investigate this death and go like, 'Why are these people -- why is this person dressed like Bobby? Why is this person dressed like Cas? And [they] come to find out it's this kind of like fantastical version of our lives," Jared told Access. "And it became like this pseudo-realism where Jensen and I, as Jared and Jensen, were watching as Sam and Dean and we were kind of watching like the last 10 years of our lives and the shows that we had done and these journeys that we had been through as Sam and Dean and it was a really cool just blessing that not a lot of people get to experience."


Supernatural: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Robbie Thompson Tease the 200th Episode

Supernatural is going to be hitting a milestone that so few shows ever reach: its 200th episode. Coinciding with its tenth season, the 200th episode breaks the fourth wall — in a way that Supernatural likes to do — and introduces Sam and Dean to a case that’s taking place in an all-girls high school where a young woman is directing a play based on the “Supernatural” books by Carver Edlund (a.k.a. Chuck). A play that’s quite interpretive, in fact (see: robots in space in act 2). While the girls act out their director’s vision of the Winchester brothers’ lives, it’s up to Sam and Dean to save the production from a monster that is kidnapping those involved with it.
During several red carpet events leading up to the milestone episode of Supernatural, we spoke to stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, as well as producers Phil Sgriccia and Robbie Thompson (who wrote “Fan Fiction”), about the episode and why it’s a love letter to the fans.
“At the beginning of the season, [showrunners Jeremy Carver and Bob Singer] floated the idea that we might do something absurd for the fifth episode: a high school musical. And as soon as I heard that I thought ‘I will kill all the [other] writers to write this episode’,” joked Thompson. “As soon as I heard it I started thinking about the movie ‘Rushmore’, which is ultimately this one kid [who] puts on these love letters to these movies that he loves. It just felt like a great way to craft a love letter to the show and a love letter [to the fans].” When asked what Thompson hopes fans take away from the episode, he said “that I love them. You know, we have a really unique fanbase. It’s incredibly broad. It’s diverse. There’s no way to cover everybody in one episode, but we really wanted to do something that was special and unique. We have such a unique show that allows us to take these weird big swings and it was a great opportunity to kind of take a pause for the season from where we are right now. It’s kind of a natural break and we wanted to be a little silly. We really wanted to make fun of ourselves as well. I think Bob Singer put it best when he said ‘what other show than Supernatural would take the time out of 200 episodes to make fun of itself?'”
“The guest cast is phenomenal,” Sgriccia gushed. “Jared and Jensen were fantastic and the car always hit its mark. So we’re good there. It’s something we haven’t done before and the [brothers] have to go through a certain amount of mayhem to get to the other side.”
“It’s a ‘This is Your Life’ of the first five seasons because those are the Carver Edlund books,” Padalecki said. “But it’s a nice shoutout to the fans and a nice salute. Whether [Sam and Dean are] playing Jared and Jensen [like in 'The French Mistake'] or whether they’re in fake CSI episodes and Grey’s Anatomy episodes like ‘Changing Channels’, I think it just completes the canon for Sam and Dean where they’re put into so many different and bizarre situations that each time they learn and grow. I think it makes them better for it.” Padalecki also explained that “We’ve been in a situation like this probably more than actors in other TV shows where they tell us to break the fourth wall. We’re always thrilled. I think I speak for us both when I say our approach to this is as long as we can remain true to Sam and Dean [then as actors we're OK with it].”
“It’s a priceless moment in my opinion, in the story of Supernatural, when Sam and Dean walk into the auditorium, having no idea, and there’s their life being portrayed in front of them, on a stage by all high school girls. Needless to say, I don’t know what my face looked like, but it was probably pretty interesting,” Ackles said, going on to explain that “The guest cast was amazing. And [when I was reading the script] I’m thinking ‘if they don’t get the right people for this [it could go haywire] and I don’t know how they can, because this is such a specific thing, and I don’t know anyone that can actually do this and pull this off’. And I walk in the door and I meet these girls, and I’m like ‘oh, so they did find them!’


Supernatural's Creators and Cast Preview the 200th Episode

Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and the producers on how "Fan Fiction" looks back at the show's history. 
How do you properly approach reaching the 200th episode of a TV show? Most series don’t have to answer that question because most series don’t make it that far, but Supernatural will be airing their 200th episode this Tuesday.
When I spoke to the Supernatural crew at a recent celebration honoring the 200th episode, showrunner Jeremy Carver explained, “We knew it had to be special but feel true to the show. There’s a certain amount of irreverence that carries through the show so we wanted it to have that feel. We wanted it to be fun. I think some of our most fun episodes poke fun at ourselves, poke fun at the fandom, embrace the fandom. We wanted it to feel like… fans who have been with us all this time, to give them something really special. There might be little moments where they’ll get little visual Easter eggs throughout that real, real die hard fans will pick up on and we wanted it to have all those things.”

Jensen Ackles as Dean and Jared Padalecki as Sam in Supernatural's 200th episode.
 In the episode, called “Fan Fiction,” a case brings Sam and Dean to an all-girls boarding school where they discover that the students are performing a musical based on… Supernatural. As in, the books about Sam & Dean written by the character Chuck that supplied plenty of very funny in-jokes in the past. Sam & Dean are aghast to see their life being performed onstage, in song no less, and with some of the facts not quite lining up with what they know to be the truth.

Supernatural Crew on Reaching 200 Episodes

Said writer Adam Glass, “I think everybody knew that we wanted to turn the camera onto ourselves. We wanted to turn around and basically take a look at ourselves and have a little fun and poke a little fun and we got to do that, which is sort of laugh at ourselves a little. The show has always done that incredibly well. It’s always turned around and been able to take a look at itself and not take ourselves too serious. It’s what I love about the show and I think the 200th episode does it really well.”

Sam and Dean get a very strange look at their past in Supernatural's 200th episode.

As Jared Padalecki noted, “The great thing abut the 200th episode is that there were obviously many ways for the writers to go. I’m sure they had 15 ideas and I think they appropriately did a proper shout out to the fans without making it a cheesy shout out to the fans. This is a way for us to say, purely, ‘Thank you, we love you, here’s something for you,’ without making it not make sense to Supernatural."
Padalecki added, "It’s a thin line you have to tow and we’ve done it before in ‘Changing Channels’ or ‘The French Mistake’ where you kind of have to make fun of yourself and you kind of have to be aware of yourself but you can’t be too aware of yourself. [Jensen] Ackles and I and [Mark] Sheppard and Misha [Collins] have nothing to do with that. That’s all the writers and the producers. They tow the line perfectly where I think the fans will know that it’s legitimately a salute to them and that’s it. It wasn’t like, ‘Hey, here’s us doing a vaudeville show for you.’ It’s like, ‘Listen guys, thank you, this is for you.’ We’re still trying to make it good and true to Sam and Dean Winchester but really we just want to say thank you, so I think it’s a nice thing to be able to do."
When I asked the director of the 200th episode, frequent Supernatural director Philip Sgriccia, what they wanted to accomplish with the milestone episode, he replied, with a laugh, “Make it good! That’s all I was worried about was I hope I don’t make it sucky. They’re always a challenge. This one was a bit more because there were added elements. There was a whole new guest cast that we hadn’t seen, just a whole passel of elements that were different for us. But I think in the end we scored it. I think there’s some really funny, funny moments. It’s a love letter to the audience, to our fans and we poke fun at them and we poke fun at ourselves. It was fun to do. It was tough but it was fun.”

Jensen Ackles said that after learning the overall concept for the 200th episode, “I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew what the intent of the show was about but I wasn’t really quite sure how it was going to come together because it was a pretty… not a risky show but it was a pretty unique show and I’m like, man, this is either going to go good or it’s going to go bad. I think what Phil and what the guest cast did with the show, it went great. Jared and I stood back and were like, ‘Holy s**t, this is good!’”
Everyone involved was pretty tightlipped on the specifics of the songs, which are sung by the guest cast, not the regulars. Said Sgriccia, “The guest cast is crazy, crazy good.” Carver noted there are original songs in the episode, but added, “There will be one very specific cover song that I think is going to blow the roof off the place. From the very tippy top of the show on down, I think everyone was sort of blown away by the songs that are in this episode. In the way that they’re delivered, we couldn’t be more tickled.”
When it came to the episode’s storyline, Sgriccia remarked, “Robbie Thompson wrote the script and it’s really, really well done. We kept it really simple in that it really was our guys. This is the 200th. It’s going to be kind of a stand-alone episode. It doesn’t have as much of the mythology in it. I mean, there’s actually a lot of mythology in it but it’s not necessarily from this season. It’s mythology of the show.”
While Supernatural creator Eric Kripke is no longer involved in the show’s day to day production, he revealed, “I’ve seen the 200 and it's amazing. It’s bananas. It’s a musical. It’s so strange. But not like in a way I’ve ever seen a musical done before. It’s so bizarre and funny. I actually got a little emotional at the end.” Said Kripke of his current status with the show, “I consider myself the proud parent who sent their child off to college. I’m there to root from the sidelines but I’m not there to get in the way.”
As others had mentioned, Supernatural has delivered quite a few offbeat and unusual episodes through the years. When I asked Ackles how much of a surprise that’s been for him, given he couldn’t have expected it when he signed on, he told me, “I think it’s one of the reasons that the show is what it is today. I think because we can let the air out, we can take the piss out, we can make fun of ourselves, poke fun at ourselves, we can break the fourth wall, we can get meta. I think it’s one of the few shows on television that even can do that and still keep it within the realm of the show. I think the fact that we are able to do that and have that capability is something that makes us really different from the rest of television.”


Jensen ringrazia i fans dopo il 200° episodio

Twitter: "@JensenAckles: Holy Chuck!!!!! What?!! Well I hope u all enjoyed. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. Love #SPNFamily"

Sulla sua pagina di FB: "I want to give a sincere and special thanks to all of those who helped "Supernatural" reach 200 episodes. Your love, support, and contribution (however big or small) to this show has been inspirational to a magnitude I could have only dreamed of. I am deeply thankful"

lunedì 20 ottobre 2014

200th Episode: The Party!

Supernatural festeggia i suoi 200 episodi!
Il nostro amato "Supernatural" celebra il Duecentesimo episodio con la puntata 10x05 intitolata "Fan Fiction". Le notizie sull'episodio trapelate fino ad adesso, lo descrivono come un episodio musical-ish, dove vedremo rappresentati molti dei personaggi simbolo incontrati durante le diversi stagioni. L'episodio conterrà canzoni originali e si svolgerà in una scuola superiore infestata da fantasmi, dove verrà messa in piedi una rappresentazione teatrale di uno dei libri di Carver Edlund, pseudonimo del profeta Chuck Shurley.
Dopo aver raggiunto il traguardo del 200esimo episodio, che non andrà in onda prima del 11 novembre, il cast e la crew di Supernatural si sono riuniti al Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel in Vancouver per festeggiare questo importante traguardo! I giornalisti sono stati invitati in Canada per partecipare alla festa e intervistare le star: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, lo show runner Jeremy Carver e i produttori esecutivi e registi Bob Singer e Phil Sgriccia, oltre al creatore dello show Eric Kripke.
Anche i grandi capi dei networks hanno dato lustro alla serata con la loro presenza. Mark Pedowitz presidente della "The CW" e Peter Roth Presidente della WBTV, sono saliti sul palco per celebrare lo show che ha visto la messa in onda della sua prima stagione sul canale della WB per poi approdare sul nuovo network appena nato The CW (Supernatural è l'unico show partito sul canale WB e trasferito sul canale CW ad essere ancora in onda).
Produttori e sceneggiatori si sono tutti dati appuntamento a questo party, tra gli altri erano presenti: Jim Michaels, Todd Aronauer, Adam Glass, Robbie Thomson, Robert Berens.
Alla festa erano presenti anche molti altri attori, protagonisti di alcuni degli episodi che hanno dato vita a questo show, come: Genevieve Padalecki, Osric Chau, Mark Pellegrino, Felicia Day e il regista Guy Norman Bee.
Durante la serata, la tag che la caratterizzava su Twitter #SPN200 è anche diventata trend mondiale, a sottolineare che il fandom, la SPNFamily, era presente sui social per accompagnare questo grande evento.

Alcune foto della serata

lunedì 13 ottobre 2014

Gold panel Jared e Jensen. #TorCon

-Jensen si sta scusando per il karaoke di Dean. Aggiunge che molte persone della crew si sono presentate lì durante le riprese per vederlo cantare male. "Non mi piace il karaoke nella vita vera."
-Jared dice che c'è la possibilità per un'undicesima stagione dati gli ascolti della premiere.
-Jared: "Faremo Supernatural fino ai miei 40 anni!" Jensen: "Cosa? Cosa??"
-"Tra un musical o Shakespeare cosa fareste?" Jensen: "Non c'è una terza opzione?" Jared farebbe Shakespeare, mentre Jensen sceglierebbe un non in modo felice.
-I J2 hanno amato sentire Kripke parlare dello show nella Retrospettiva.
-Jensen: "Io e Jared siamo simili nel senso che internalizziamo parecchio..come fanno poi molti attori del resto."
-Fan: "Voi ragazzi siete fantastici in quello che fate. Siete voi lo show." Jared: "Grazie, non esisteremmo senza di voi."
 -Jensen: "Se ci sono problemi con lo show, facciamo una cosa che si chiama 'incontro famigliare', ci sfoghiamo nei nostri trailer."
- una fan chiede se hanno a casa i cartonati giganti che li riproducono a figura intera. Jensen: si io ho quello di Jared. Jared: quei cartonati non sono giganti, sono più piccoli di noi.
-Jared dice che Gen lo ha aiutato molto, facendogli capire che lei non riesce a leggergli la mente se c'è qualcosa che lo turba e che lui deve esprimerlo.
-Una volta un amico di Jensen gli ha mandato una foto presa in un centro commerciale con un suo cartonato a grandezza naturale e gli ha scritto: 'perchè mi segui?'
-Se l'Impala non esistesse quale macchina scegliereste? Jensen: "Una nova o una barracuda." Jared: "O la nuova Prius! E' fantastica come gas!"
-Jared dice che non è appassionato verso la regia come Jensen. Dice che Jensen sacrifica parte della sua estate per farlo..non è ancora pronto a fare una cosa simile.
-Jensen segue il consiglio di Kim Manners nel fare un sacco di compiti a casa mentre dirige. A jensen piace dirigere perchè è una sfida che gli dà soddisfazione alla fine.
-Jared dice che di solito si ingrassa durante lo hiatus e deve mettersi in forma per entrare dentro i vestiti di Sam.
 -Jensen: "E' più facile lavorare quando io e Jared interpretiamo i normali Sam e Dean, cosa che abbiamo fatto molto ultimamente."
-Jensen dice che il set di Supernatural è un bel posto lavorativamente parlando e anche le guests lo notano.
-La cosa di cui sono più orgogliosi sulla SPN family? Jensen: "La beneficenza dei fans specialmente tramite l'associazione di Misha."
-Jared: "E' molto figo fare parte di uno show che ha avuto un grosso impatto sulle persone."
-Jensen: "Recentemente ci sono state delle scene in cui io e Jared eravamo tipo: 'davvero?' così le abbiamo cambiate."
-Una volta Sam doveva dire: "ho semplicemente bisogno di spazio" e i J2 l'hanno cambiata perchè pareva che fossero sposati e non fratelli. "Vogliamo rendere questa cosa giusta per voi perchè conosciamo Sam e Dean meglio di chiunque altro."
-Jensen: "Faccio questo lavoro da 18 anni.." Jared: "E' vecchio."
-Jensen: "Sono stato così onorato di lavorare con persone così talentuose in tutti questi anni..Jared tappati le orecchie."

 Foto e trascrizione a cura del Supernatural Legend 

Supernatural Convention: Toronto 2014 #TorCon

Panel di Jensen e Jared alla #TorCon

-Jared: "C'è qualcuno che non ha visto la premiere? (qualche mano alzata) Linciateli!"
-Jensen e Jared ieri sera quando sono tornati all'hotel dopo aver cenato hanno parlato di quanto fantastico tutto questo sia.
-Jared: "Continuate a guardarci! Se lo fate potremo darvi la stagione 11, 12, 13 ecc."
-Una fan chiede se sognano come i loro personaggi. Jensen: "No." Jared: "Sogno a colori! Canzone dei Pearl Jam. Anzi no, sogno da Dean..quello di Gilmore Girls." Jensen: "Sogno in spagnolo."
-Storia di Jared. Lui e il fratello stavano cercando una 'toll road' in Messico ma non sapevano come dirlo in spagnolo. Jensen: "El toll road!"
-Jared abbraccia Jensen.
-Ci sono stati degli ostacoli lungo il loro percorso per essere dove sono ora. Jensen dice che ad un certo punto gli mancava così tanto la sua famiglia all'inizio che voleva prendere su armi e bagagli e andare a casa.
-Jared: "Non vuoi essere un attore in futuro, SEI un attore."
-I J2 parlano anche del fatto che le audizioni sono molto difficili a volte ma le devi fare. Sono parte del processo.
-Fan: "Cosa eccitante?" Jensen indica il pubblico: "Questo!"
-I J2 stanno ringraziando i fans per gli ottimi video che fanno. Li guardano anche loro. Jared ogni tanto va su You Tube a vederli per ricordarsi per quale motivo continuano ad andare avanti e quanto importante sia.
-Jensen dice che ha trovato uno scorpione nel suo lavandino. Si è divertito per mezz'ora a spostarlo con il suo spazzolino da denti. "Oh sto per lavarmi i denti..oh ciao!..ora ti torturo.."
-Il Batman preferito dei J2 è Michael Keaton.
-Appuntamento più disastroso per Jensen: doveva incontrarsi con una ragazza per prendere un caffè e non riusciva a ricordarsi chi fosse. Si è fatto aiutare dagli amici per identificarla.
-Jensen ha appena recitato l'appuntamento disastroso con Jared nei panni della ragazza.
-Quando Dean ha lasciato la nota per Sam lo ha fatto per dirgli di non andarlo a cercare perchè non ce n'era bisogno.
-Domanda su Demon!Dean: "la bontà che c'è dentro Dean ora è corrotta. Quanta bontà non è ancora corrotta è una cosa che dovremo determinare in questa stagione."
-Dean cerca sempre un rimpiazzo per suo padre? Jensen: "Benny, Cass..erano più alleati che figure autoritarie."

sabato 11 ottobre 2014

Commento alla 10x01 "Black"

Ebbene si, l'hellatus è finito e i Winchester sono tornati in tv!
Dopo il pazzesco cliffhanger della scorsa stagione ( con Dean tramutato in demone a causa della forte influenza del Marchio di Caino) finalmente possiamo vedere come sono andati avanti i nostri boys.
Devo dire che il nuovo logo mi garba parecchio, sui toni dell'azzuro e del blu e con la trappola del Diavolo, credo che sia il logo che preferisco, molto bello davvero.
Ma veniamo a noi: cosa è successo in questa premiere?
Finalmente vediamo un Sam agguerrito che non si rassegna della perdita del fratello, e ignorando bellamente il messaggio lasciatogli da Dean "Sammy let me go" ("Sammy lasciami andare") cerca di trovare più indizi possibili che lo possano mettere sulle tracce del fratello. Devo dire che mi piace molto questa versione di Sam, non mi sono piaciuti i vari discorsetti della stagione scorsa in cui accusava Dean di essere incapace di lasciarlo andare, di lasciarlo morire in pace quando sarebbe giunto il momento e che lui invece lo avrebbe fatto, quindi mi ha fatto un enorme piacere vederlo alla disperata ricerca del fratello, mi ha fatto piacere vedere Sam che finalmente tiene al fratello, che non si arrende a lasciarlo andare e che fa di tutto per ritrovarlo.
Vediamo Sam aggiornare Cass, ma quest'ultimo lo ritroviamo in una squallida camera di un Motel non nel massimo della forma. Sappiamo dalla scorsa stagione che la grazia del nostro angelo preferito si sta esaurendo, comportando la morte di quest'ultimo. Mi è piaciuto molto lo scambio tra Sam e Cass:

E mi è piaciuto molto anche il "I miss him" di Cass.
Altro rapporto che adoro è quello che si è venuto a creare tra Crowley e Dean:

Crowley dice a Sam che considera Dean come il suo migliore amico, e credo che sia sul serio così, anche perchè nell'episodio vediamo che, a modo suo, si prende cura di Dean. Sappiamo pure che Crowley vorrebbe "sfruttarlo" come suo braccio destro per costruire l'inferno perfetto, ma Dean non sembra affatto avere intenzione di fare altro se non bere, cantare e andare a donne.
e veniamo a lui, il Deanmon. Devo essere sincera...mi aspettavo un Dean molto più demoniaco, in questo episodio è stato sostanzialmente "careless". Finalmente Dean Winchester se ne frega, di tutto e di tutti e fa quello che gli pare, e la cosa mi piace parecchio, è una liberazione vederlo libero dai vari sensi di colpa che lo hanno accompagnato spesso in questi anni.
L'episodio introduce un nuovo personaggio, Cole, il quale sembra avere dei trascorsi con Dean e per arrivare a lui rapisce Sam, schiantandosi però nell'apatia più assoluta. Vedremo dove andranno a parare, la figura di Cole non mi ha convinta molto.
Evito di parlare degli angeli perchè, dai sul serio...che palle! Hannah che ha dei guai in Paradiso decide di andare a rompere i cosidetti all'unico angelo che sta per crepare! E per cosa poi? Per riportare tutti gli angeli in Paradiso, che lo vogliano o meno e in caso farli fuori -.-'
Speriamo che la trama angelica sia meglio di quella degli scorsi anni, o sarà una noia mortale sorbirsi gli angeli.
Per tirare le fila, Supernatural al suo decimo anno piazza una buona season premiere, poteva esserlo di più, e per di più fa degli ottimi ascolti. Premiere tranquilla che pone le basi per il futuro, bene così!
Momenti epici:

Il karaoke!!!!

martedì 7 ottobre 2014

A very special Supernatural Special

Ecco a voi lo speciale sui 10 anni di Supernatural.
Vi ricordo inoltre che Supernatural ritorna in tv da stasera, alle 21 sulla rete statunitense CW, con la decima stagione!

sabato 4 ottobre 2014

Supernatural 10.03 Photos

Grazie a abbiamo delle immagini tratte dal dietro le quinte della 10x03, dove possiamo vedere Jensen in veste di regista.

Potete trovare altre foto qui

domenica 28 settembre 2014

Supernatural: Fan Q&A: Part 1

Jensen: "la telecamera è accesa signori!"
Jared: "gente, gente, gente! Stiamo filmando, stiamo filmando, stiamo filmando!"

Se potessi scegliere una canzone da usare ogni volta che entri in una stanza, quale sarebbe?
Jared: "Uhm, forse 'If you want my body' di Rob Stewart?"
Jared e Jensen intonano "I Want to Know What Love Is" dei Foreigner
Jared: "Corey Hart, Sunglasses At Night. Ecco qua."

Quale è stato il mostro con cui hai preferito combattere?
Jensen: "mi è piaciuto molto il Dracula che abbiamo avuto in Monster Movie (4x05) l'episodio che abbiamo fatto in bianco e nero. Todd Stashwick, l'attore che lo interpretava è stato molto divertente" 
Jared: "ho amato quando hai dovuto combattere contro la fata, e nella scena è stata usata la canzone di David Bowie"
Jensen: "musica fantastica"
Jared: "Dean si muoveva confuso, musica fantastica!Non riesco a guardare quella scena e non ridere. Anche perchè non essendo presente posso guardarla da spettatore, da fan!"
Jensen: "per me non è stato molto divertente, combattevo contro niente! Mi guardavo solo intorno"
Jared: "cosa che ha reso la scena più divertente per me, sapendo che lui non si era divertito"

(La puntata in questione è la 6x09 " Clap Your Hands If You Believe " e la canzone di David Bowie è "Space Oddity")

Quando la serie finirà, in che modo vorresti che la storia di Sam e Dean finisca?
 Jared: "credo che il nostro viaggio debba finire con noi, morti. Perchè altrimenti non sarebbero più loro, non possono abbandonare tutto e dire 'Ok abbiamo fatto abbastanza, andiamo a prenderci una birra'. Perchè in questo modo perderebbe senso il loro combattere e restare uniti. Non lascerebbero mai i loro abiti da cacciatori"

Trascrizione a cure del FanAckles blog, non riportare altrove senza citare il blog come fonte.

giovedì 11 settembre 2014

Supernatural Season 10 Promo

Finalmente, dopo lo sconvolgente season finale della nona stagione, la CW rilascia il primo promo della decima stagione di Supernatural! A quanto pare la stagione ricomincerà esattamente dove la nona ci aveva lasciato, con Sam alla ricerca del fratello, Dean che tutto sommato apprezza il nuovo stato delle cose e Crowley che cerca di rimettere in piedi il suo regno dopo i problemi con Abaddon.
- Dean: "Sam so che pensi di provare a salvarmi... Ma forse. io non voglio essere salvato".
- Demone: "Un Winchester? Uno di noi?"
- Sam: "Dove è mio fratello?"
- Crowley: "Pensaci. Il Re dell'Inferno, Dean Winchester al suo fianco. Insieme creeremo l'Inferno perfetto".
- Sam: "Ha detto qualcosa?"
- Commesso: "Dove è il porno?"
- Dean: "Ooops".
- Castiel: "Quello non è  più tuo fratello. Non adesso almeno".
- Crowley: "L'unico demone dentro Dean, è lui stesso".
- Dean: "Sammy, devi biasimare te stesso se mi hai perso",
- Sam: "Non voglio usare questo coltello su di te".
- Crowley: "pensa alle uccisioni sulla strada".
- Dean: "mi piace star male!"
- L'ANNO - 
Dean canta "I`m Too Sexy" di Right Said Fred

La canzone che ascoltate nel promo è "Figure It Out" dei Royal Blood

venerdì 5 settembre 2014

Supernatural 2014! Jared Padalecki! Jensen Ackles! TCA! By Tv Guide Magazine

Come ha fatto questo rapporto a durare così a lungo?
JP - Il nostro rapporto di amicizia è cominciato perchè avevamo lo stesso obiettivo, eravamo disposti a partecipare a questo progetto, che era lo show, a cui entrambi ci eravamo subito appassionati, e mentre questo succedeva diventammo amici.
JA - Dal primo giorno siamo diventati una sorta di team,  sapevamo che per far funzionare la cosa ed avere successo dovevamo coprirci le spalle a vicenda. Siamo durati così tanto perchè non eravamo solo del tipo "oh si lavoriamo insieme". Sai i vari cast il primo anno sono sempre del tipo "oh si andiamo tutti d'accordo, ci vogliamo molto bene, amiamo la crew e tutto è fantastico". Noi dopo dieci anni possiamo dimostrare che davvero andiamo d'accordo come partners, come squadra e come fratelli. Credo che questo si noti dallo show e sarebbe davvero difficile provare a fingere un rapporto del genere.
JP - Probabilmente siamo migliori amici quando lo show è in pausa! Se sei a stretto contatto con qualcuno 70 ore a settimana, lo odi, in qualsiasi forma o maniera. Quindi quando possiamo essere solo amici siamo tipo "oh yeah, divertiamoci in giro!"

Ricordate il vostro primo giorno sul set?

JP - Ricordo il primo giorno! Era in una biblioteca
JA - Si credo che eravamo a Vancouver. Si, ovvio, il primo giorno era il pilot.
JP - Nella biblioteca dove Sam e Dean avevano a che fare con, come diavolo si chiama quella cosa nelle vecchie biblioteche scolastiche, dove metti la card dentro...
JA - Dove giri...
JP - Si, al 100% ricordo il primo giorno
JA - Si, in giro per Glendale

Che hashtag useresti per descrivere l'altro?

JP ( a Jensen) - Tu non sai nemmeno cosa vuol dire!
JA - Io non...non sono su...non so come si me lo dici tu. Seguirò il tuo esempio
JP - Oddio, sono pessimo in questo. Lui è #cosaèunhashtag?
JA - lui è #perchèdevosemprespiegarecosaintendoaDean?
JP - Vero. Eccoci qua.

Trascrizione a cura del FanAckles blogspot, è vietato riportare altrove, parte o l'intera intervista ,senza citare il blog come fonte.

ENG transcribe

martedì 2 settembre 2014

VanCon 2014: Sunday Report, J2 panel

Rob and the band opened Jared and Jensen's panel with Carry On Wayward Son - during which, Jensen came out to sing along and the crowd went wild. Rob let Jensen and Jared join in on the little jump he does to cut off the band. It was cute.

Jensen and Jared started by acknowledging and pointing out the crew that were standing in the back of the room.

Jensen then immediately commented on how much they were both sweating.
Jared: "Let's change shirts."
Jensen: "Ok!"
- But of course they were joking. ;)

(Since they brought it up though, just to give you a little ambiance for the room - the theatre is in the basement of the Wall Centre. They have all the doors closed except for one and there's very very little air flow...and by that I mean that there's basically none... when you put around 1,000 warm bodies in that room and then add stage lighting and a spotlight, a/v equipment, etc... that room heats up like you wouldn't believe. By the end of the panel, I was slowly dripping sweat just sitting in my seat - poor Jared and Jensen were on stage under lights... they were basically slowly melting for the whole panel. This is one good thing about VanCon moving to the convention centre next year - the convention centre will have much better air-conditioning and rooms with higher ceilings to that the warm air can rise away from us.)

Jared likes to poll the audience to see who is new. He also asked who had just started watching the show in the past 12 months. A few people cheered or raised their hands. A fan called out: "Where have you been?!" which made Jared and Jensen laugh.

They played Rock Paper Scissors to decide on which question line to start on first. Jensen dutifully went into character and threw Scissors.
Jared: "Always with the scissors."

How soon did they mess with Misha?
- Pretty much immediately. They thought he was weird.
- Jared told us that Misha was in character, so he was sitting there all serious - Jared did an impression. Then Jensen asked Jared what Misha looked like when he wasn't in character, and Jared did the exact same impression.
- Jared related the story about him and Chad Michael Murray being on the set of Gilmore Girls (at the mention of Gilmore Girls, Jensen made fun of Jared, so an audience member made fun of Jensen being on Days of Our Lives - Jensen recited "Like sand through the hourglass..." in response) when a tourist group of Canadians came through, he and Chad were staring at them in wonder, like "Canadians!" and that was basically how Jared and Jensen stared at Misha the first day.

Back when Sam was in Stanford, do they think that Sam or Dean ever called, or had the urge to call, their brother at any time - like when they were drunk or high?
- Jared and Jensen both got a huge kick out of the fact that the questioner said "or high"
Jared: "You know you're in Canada when..." (Sidenote: And I can agree to this, because I didn't think that had been a weird/funny thing for the questioner to say at all! :P)
- Yes, they think that the brothers would have wanted to call. Jared thinks maybe Dean more than Sam, because Dean was still hunting and therefore more things were happening to him that he might have wanted to talk about.

How do they not bring the work home?
- It's easy after so many years. They have each other and the crew.
- Jensen replied that sometimes after a tough take, they might go get a "coca cola" (quotation marks implied through tone).
- Jared related the story about how sometimes they do get affected, like for some reason the scene in Croatoan really upset Jared way more than it upset Sam.

During that question, Tomas called out "Hi Daddy!" from behind stage. Jared said "Hi Thomas" back with a big smile.

Then Jensen interrupted: "While we're talking about his beautiful son..."
- Then Jensen related a story from when they arrived today. Thomas arrived in the green room, but Jensen had just stepped out to use the bathroom. When Thomas got to the green room and saw that it was just Jared there, he said "Where's Uncle Jensen?!" and then proceeded to cry until Jensen got back.

Jensen and Thomas then traded "I love yous" from either side of the stage curtain. It was pretty adorable.

Returning to the question - Jared advised that actors shouldn't use characters to get rid of their own crap, because if they do, the character dies. "Ask Rob or Richard!"

Dean once promised that he'd stop treating Sam like a kid, but has he?
- Jensen thinks that Sam will always be Dean's little brother.
- Jared made a protesting noise at the word "little", so Jensen corrected it to "younger."
- Jared agreed and said that you never really shake those sorts of relationships. In terms of the relationship dynamics, Jared's older brother is always going to be his older brother and his father is always his father, etc.

A baby cried somewhere in the theatre at this point.
Jared: "Is that mine?"
Nope, another baby.

They often make fun of their movies, but which movie are they most proud of?
- Jared knows they joke around a lot, but he's actually proud of facets of all his movies. In terms of watching them though, Jared likes Cry Wolf, because it was a feature film filmed on a budget that was less than one episode of Supernatural.
- Jensen's most proud of New York Minute. He loved the level of maturity and thinks that it transcends.

Is Demon!Dean hard to play?
- Jared got up at this point to poke his head through the curtain at the side of the stage and talk to someone backstage... Jensen thought it looked like he was peeing and made jokes.
- Yes, Demon!Dean was hard....

Tomas came on stage for a second here. Clif put him down just inside the curtain, and he was brave enough to point to the audience, stick out his tongue, and then he promptly turned around and asked to be carried out again.
- Jensen joked that that's exactly how Jared shows up for "blocking" every morning. Jared dutifully acted it out, including going up to Jensen and saying "Carry me!"
Jensen: "And then I carry him back to his trailer."

- Back to the question - yes, it was hard, but the crew is very supportive and they were there to pick up the slack if Jensen did a bad job.
Jared: "He didn't do bad at all."

At this point, a member of the staff put a fan onstage behind the J's chairs. He pointed it mostly up, but slightly out towards the audience.

Has being on the show affected their own brother/family relationships?
- Jared answered it's affected him as a parent, because he now has 2 boys who are going to be brothers, and he wants to teach them what that means - he thinks he'll be a better father because of the show.

While Jared answered, Jensen got up and went back to the fan, holding his shirt out so that the air would blow up it.... from where I was sitting, I couldn't see the fan, or anything below Jensen's waist, so for a moment it looked like Jensen was pretending to urinate on the stage and I was super confused.

- Jensen, once he had sat back down again, said that after 10 years, you're going to learn a lot.

While Jensen answered, Jared went back to the fan and kind of squat down over it. Jensen turned to look at him and said "good, right?" and then he started singing "Heaven isn't so far away..." while the band joined in for a few bars.

- Returning to the question, Jensen said that the show also affected his family relationships because he's gone for so much of the year. He appreciates family more now when he sees them.

How easy is it to jump into character after nine seasons?
- Jensen answered that after 200 episodes it's extremely easy.
- Jared answered that it pisses off the guest starts, because they can goof around and then go right into character - whereas the guest stars can't do that, and they get thrown off guard by suddenly going into a series scene when Jared and Jensen had just been laughing.

Jensen then started relating a story about how he was talking to their focus puller, Matt, at a party - because it was Brad Creasser's (camera-guy, AD) 50th birthday...
- And since Jensen brought up Brad, Jared and him had to make fun of the way Brad dances again - giving a demonstration of his complete lack of rhythm or graceful movement. It was hilarious.
Back to the story - he was talking to Matt, and Matt told him that he had asked a recent guest star how she had liked being on the show. Her reply was that it had been really difficult. Jensen had been taken aback, because he thought she had a good time. And apparently, yes, she had a good time, but it had been difficult to act with Jared and Jensen being goofs.
- They then talked about Misha's line on the upcoming gag reel, where he exclaims, "They didn't teach me this in drama school!" and Jensen's immediately response was to laugh and say "He went to drama school!"
- So, Jared and Jensen can really throw off people who need to concentrate in order to act.

Have their opinions on a musical episode changed? SPOILER -

mercoledì 27 agosto 2014

Jared and Jensen Gold Member's Panel at VanCon2014

Report by The Winchester Family Business 

10:06 am J2 takes the stage!

 -  Jared asks for the crazy stories from the con so far.  “Two fingers of Matt Cohen.”  Jared - “I’m not going to ask.”

-  Jared wanted to know if there was a boat tour (he was referring to Misha’s Friday cruise that he had with 70 fans).  He strangely wanted to know the name of the boat, because he saw one out and wondered the name of the boat.  “It wasn’t called Misha,” he laughed as that was a fan’s answer.

-  Jared did a roll call of first timers.  Half of the room raised their hands. Yes, there’s a lot of new people coming to these cons these days.  He mentioned the 200th episode (a common the theme for this weekend), which they are shooting right now.  Jensen has shot 2 days of the episode so far, Jared only 1.  Name of the episode, “Fan Fiction.”

-  Jared blames his shoulder surgery on being a beanpole.  “I got ninjafied.”  Jensen - “For the first time in 10 years I have more muscle than he does.”
-  Jared starts a story with “I was on a plane this summer…”  and everyone starts laughing.  For anyone that doesn’t get the joke, Jared has been railing on American Airlines on his Twitter feed recently.   He told us about how he had a sling on in the plane and the woman sitting next to him helped him out.  She asked how he hurt his shoulder.   “I hurt it wrestling.”  Woman - “In school?”  Jared laughed, “I’m 32.”  She wondered what he did for a living and he let her know he was an actor on a TV show.  She hadn’t heard of Supernatural, but was curious if it was on Netflix.  She really wanted to see it.  Jared told her,  “If you watch an episode every other day for the next year you’ll catch up.”  Her stunned reaction -  “What’d you say?”  She had no idea there was 195 episodes out there!

-  We got the whole story about the recent accident involving the Impala and the driver, Frank.  Jensen told the story.  Frank was pulling the car onto the trailer and the throttle got stuck.  He tried to hit the brakes, but the power of the engine was too much.  Thinking of the safety of those around, he cranked it left to get away from people, jumped over the median, knocked over a sign, went down a ditch and crashed into trees.  It snapped his collarbone, and part of it was  sticking out of the skin.  He was in terrible pain and while the fire truck got there in five minutes, the paramedics took 40 minutes!  Jared tweeted a picture of the car.  The car itself is fine, a dent on the underside of the bumper, and that was probably already there.  Turns out the accelerator got stuck on some wires and it was easily fixed.  The car made it out way better than poor Frank

.-  They recently shot something at a Gymnasium (in their FBI suits).  There were some basketballs on the other side of the gym and Jensen started shooting baskets.  “I look over at Jared and he’s just got one arm.” Jensen then demonstrates Jared sadly bouncing the basketball with one arm.  Yes, the injury has been taking it’s toll!  Jared told Bob Singer this summer he had to have shoulder surgery and will try to be ready by filming.  Singer, who has had shoulder surgery before, knew better and wrote it in.  Sam is wearing a sling the first four episodes.  Jared was proud to show up for the 200th episode (shot by Phil Sgriccia) without a sling.

-  Someone in our row in the back corner of the room asked Jared, “Does Osric have to sleep with one eye open?”  Jensen - “Osric already sleeps with one eye open.  He’s a ninja.  I’ll take any Chuck Norris proverb and insert Osric Chau.”  So they do!  They break into a few Chuck Norris jokes inserting Osric’s name.  “Osric Chau does not sleep, he waits.”  “When Osric Chau gets out of the boat, he doesn’t get wet.  The lake gets Osric’d.” 

Here it is, the moment of history!  Someone gets the ball rolling by asking about Jensen and his Facebook page.  Jensen explains the whole thing to us.  When he was at Comic Con, he was at Nerd HQ.  There was a Facebook booth in the green room.  Two people came up to him and said that they have his name on Facebook and it has 4 million likes.  He had no idea what that meant!  They offered to give him the page, for nothing.  They told him all he has to do is verify it and that will debunk the other ones.  They walked him through the process of taking the account over, and he did.  So yes, Jensen owns that Facebook page now, but he hasn’t done anything with it. 

That was the perfect segue to Jensen and Twitter.  He’s been resisting social media and Twitter as well all know.  He knows though how it’s become an important tool for the industry and it’s very good connection to the fans.  So, he announces that right there, on the stage, he’s joining Twitter!  He gets out his phone and Jared walks him through the process.
Jensen said that the network got his name and the account has been setup.  He decides his first tweet is to take a photo of all us and it’ll be the first tweet.  “I’m not going to send out pictures of my breakfast, just so you know.” 

“You’re going to break Twitter,” some fans shout as the joins start going through the roof.  He called his twitter name, @JensenAckles a “handle.”  They joked on stage about him using old trucker lingo.   “What’s your avatar going to be?”  Jared asks.  “You lost me,” Jensen answers. 











Jared and Jensen go the corner and Jared stands on a chair and takes the picture of the crowd.  Then they go back to the stage and try to send the first tweet out.  Jensen has to be guided by  Jared to send the tweet!  He looked so lost through the whole process.  It was pretty adorable.  First there was a matter of which hashtags to use.  He was told about hashtag #VanCon. 

 Then they were told #Porncouver.   “Porncouver???”  Jared asks us incredulously.  Apparently he hadn’t heard Richard’s opening speech on Friday.   He was told to blame Richard.  

 Jensen beats his head on the mic trying to get this message together, because they still can’t decide on what to include.  It’s hilarious.  Finally they send, and Jensen is sweating it out after sending the tweet.  “Twitter 1, Jensen 0.”  Then Jared tweets the announcement on his Twitter.  Jensen by this time already has 18,000 followers.  Jensen,  “I’m a Sam girl, I’m not following.”

Then Clif comes over and reveals the tweet didn’t go through!  The tweets are bouncing.  There’s no cell service!!  (Tell me about it.  We’ve had that problem all weekend).  So they have to try again.  Jared has to hold the phone way over his head!!!  Finally, it works.  The entire room is rolling in laughter. 

“In the 3 seconds I’ve tweeted it, you’ve got 2,000 followers,” Jared said.  They also noticed there were already some hate tweets!  Jensen asked, “Does that mean I have to do that ice bucket thing?”  He’s not doing it today.  He’s been nominated a dozen times, and that’s just his family.  His aunt in Denver challenged him yesterday.   

Clif shows the guys the twitter on the laptop, and Jared shows the timeline to us.  Messages are coming in fast and furious.  “Welcome to my world Jensen Ackles.”  Jared admits he gets really  scared when messages start flying at him like that, and that’s why he can’t answer any of us. 

After proclaiming this to be a historic event (it most certainly was), the J’s take their bow and go off the photo ops.  We go rushing back to our hotel rooms, because we need some damned internet service to start sharing this wonderful news.

(gif set by

martedì 12 agosto 2014

Jensen for Harper's Bazaar China Magazine

Q: Supernatural is one of your best notable works. Do you still remember how you were cast as Dean Winchester 11 years ago?

A: I had contact with the director and production team before, and we knew each other pretty well. When the director approached me, he felt I am suited to play this character. Therefore I was auditioned twice only and confirmed shortly after.

Q: What are the similarities and differences between yourself and Dean Winchester?

A: Actually we are pretty different. Dean Winchester is a typical hero; he will forever be the first one to charge and fight. He has a very distinct personality. However I am more like a peaceful person off screen. I don’t like adventure. It’s not fear of failure. It’s just if life is good and happy then there is no need to impose changes. I am gentle and accommodating in real life.

Q: Had the thought of quitting ever crossed your mind in past 11 years? Were there any moments that made you hesitate?

A: Definitely not. I spend 10 months a year on doing Supernatural. There is not much time left for me to take other offers. Because we work together so well, I usually sign up Supernatural firstly each year to ensure its time requirements. Most of the companies in the entertainment industry know my schedule, so generally they approach me for short-term activities.
I ask my agent not to inform me even it’s a really good offer.
Since I have already decided to work on Supernatural, why should I be bothered by things I am definitely not able to accomplish? I always tell my agent to just inform me works we decide to do and nothing else.
Q: What are your criteria for selecting scripts and works?

A: Production team. I care about if I can work with the team happily and smoothly as well as if the story and characters are creative and interesting.

Q: How do you define “success”?

 A: Happiness, to make myself and other people happy. I believe happiness, health, comfort are the essences of life. I look forward to an simple, joyful and comfortable life.   
Q: Do you think you are a successful actor?

A: Yes, haha. I think I am doing fine. People seem to like me.
Q: Do you have any idols in life or in work?

A:  I admire my father the most. He is a very wise man. On one hand he can see the easy path and the hard one in the first place; on the other hand, he will not stop me from choosing the hard path, he will gladly let me do anything I want but meanwhile he is prepared to overcome those difficulties with me. I hope I can be a father like him in the future.

Q: What’s your priority in your life? Career, family or love?

A:  Family will always be my first priority. My wife, daughter, parents are the most important. I will never prioritize my work over the time I can spend with them. I won’t choose anything over the happiness of my family. I think it’s good that my wife and daughter stay with me and I have a job that I like.