VanCon 2016
J2 VanCon 2016 Gold Panel
- Jensen: Anybody miss the sns last night? Audience: Jared!
- Jared: I know, here’s my legitimate excuse. Jensen: We’ll be the
judge of that. Gen and the boys had come to town on Thursday, yesterday
they took a nap and ended up sleeping all night until the alarms were
going off at 6am.
- Jared watched the first three eps of Stranger Things and was
like, “Damn, it’s good!” One of the kids from the show guest starred on
Supernatural, “Thin Lizzie,” and Jared said he was the sweetest kid.
Says the kid actors on Stranger Things are awesome.
- Jensen teases Jared about staying home with the fam while he was at the con for sns. Jared: But your family’s been here!
- Danneel doesn’t want to watch Stranger Things without Jensen around in case it scares her.
- Gen called Jared and told him the lights were turning on and off.
Jared: Do you smell sulfur? Jensen: We were in Jared’s trailer and told
him to tell Gen to get some salt. Jared: Get the salted hula hoop.
- Jared texted their buddy Tank in the Austin PD at 1:30am, and also
his buddy Matt, and asked for him to sleep over at the house because Gen
was home alone. Tank, who was also heading over to the house, sent him
an app link that showed Jared he was heading to the house at 95 miles an
hour. He showed Jensen.
- Jensen: You have to understand the situation. They’re in Austin and
doing renovations to the house with a lot of workers going in and out of
the house. Lights are going on an off, power is fluctuating and Gen’s
at home with no protection. So their buddy in the Austin PD was like,
I’ll be there in ten minutes. Jensen said Gen sent a video of the light
switch flicking on and off, it was freaky.
- Eduardo, the Blair Witch director, is coming back for s12 to do an episode.
- Jensen: There’s a new Blair Witch Project? Haven’t we seen it?? (re the new Blair Witch movie coming out).
- Fan asks how they always have Wi-Fi. Jared: The Winchester brothers
are sponsored by Mophie. Jensen: And AT&T hot spot. Jared apparently
likes AT&T again lol!
- Jensen: Dean fitted Baby with Wi-Fi.
- They joke around on set about how the fans will understand how God
could possess the body of a writer, etc, but they’ll be like, there was
that one scene with the light bulb, how do you get Wi-Fi..?
- Jared likes when fans ask questions about those things because it means fans are paying attention.
- Congrats on Twins to Jensen. Jared teases him. What would Jared name
them if it was up to him? Jared has already picked it out. He makes
sure everyone knows that JJ’s full name is Justice Jay and then says he
told Jensen that logically speaking, it should be Justice Jay, Kindness
Kim and Liberty Larry. So Jensen can be like: “JJ, KK, LL get over here,
- Jensen: Then LL Cool J stands up, “What’s up?”
- Jensen: Liberty Larry? Jared: Likeable Larry. Jensen: Kindness Kim?
Jared: It would be like Karing Kim, with a K. Jensen: This is why Jared
isn’t in charge of the naming..
- Jensen: Whenever I leave, like this morning saying good bye to JJ,
she says watch out for the rocks. I don’t know where she got this from. I
have no idea what that means or where she got it, but I started saying
it back to her. Jensen and Danneel touch fingers like a little I love
you and now JJ does it, too. He says it’ll be different when his son is
born and starts wrestling with the mic lol.
- Jared: They have a morning ritual where Jared will pretend his son’s
breath is super stinky and he’ll pretend to faint. It backfired. Tom
climbed into bed and woke up Jared and Tom made a face and said, ”I
don’t like your air it’s gross.”
- Fan asks about how Dean knew to come back for Sam at the end of the
Pilot. Jensen: Brother’s intuition. Jensen has always chalked that up to
a sibling connection that they have, like something doesn’t feel right.
So he came back.
- Jared: Honestly, he thought he smelled toast. Is Sam cooking?
Jensen: Am I having a stroke? No, it’s Sam’s girlfriend burning on the
- Favorite cartoon character? Jensen: Yosemite Sam. Jared likes Marvin the Martian.
- Jared: Pepe Le Pew is Sebastian’s favorite lol.
- Jared is bummed he missed Sebastian last night singing
Bowie’s “Ziggy Stardust.” Also sad that he missed “three-sheets Rosie”
when Brian Rose (who was drunk apparently) and proppin’ Robin from the
crew introduced Louden Swain last night at the SNS lol.
- Dean’s favorite whiskey is some no-named gut rot. The labels on the
bottles are named by the art department. Jensen likes scotch, bourbon,
and right now loves Angel’s Envy.
- Phantom Boy: Jared hasn’t gotten to see it yet. He got a phone call
about doing a voiceover and they liked the way he sounded. He shot it in
a hotel room over a three day process in Austin and he loved the
artistry. He was honored to be a part of it. He told Jensen, because
Jensen has done voiceover acting, that this is so much more difficult.
He has a newfound respect for voice actors because it really takes
legitimate talent to do this. He had to match the French language mouth
movement (where the film originated) in the English language, etc. He
was nervous but can’t wait to see it.
- Jensen to Jared: Favorite Paw Patrol? Jared: Chase is on the Case,
man. Jensen: Rubble on the Double. Jared: Rubble on the double! Jensen
(smiling): That’s what it’s come to, after 11 and a half years.
- Jared is sad someone gets physically injured (re: his Cowboys’
quarterback Tony Romo is out for part of the football season because of a
back injury) but - as we know from tweets he isn’t the biggest Romo fan
lol - he is happy the Cowboys are under “new leadership.” Jensen: Oh,
he’ll be back. Jared: Don’t you dare say that. Jensen laughs.
- A fan asks about the picture we saw of the boys at the Pebble
Beach Concours d’Elegance standing next to a 1969 Bizzarrini GT1900
Europa Coupe (picture link: x)
Jared and Jensen couldn’t fit in it very well. They were scared to
touch all of the cars because of how expensive they were. The German
owner of the car was a fan of the show and wanted a picture of them next
to the car. Jensen: You mean, in the car? Jared: Yes he said it, he
said it. There’s only two in the world and the other one they can’t find
it, likely owned by a private collector who never shows it. Jared says
the car owner had a very cute German accent.
Info via: Periscope, Fangasm, Sil’s livetweet list
J2 VanCon 2016 Main Panel
- The boys tease Rob about not having a beard. Rob talks about
Jared’s haircut. Rob: “You look like season 1!” Jared drops his mic,
pretending to be offended lol. Jared places himself behind Jensen and
uses Jensen as a shield as he pretends like he’s trying to fight Rob.
Rob plays along (”Are we doing this?”) while Jared jumps on Jensen’s
back. Jensen piggybacks Jared while Jared swings his limbs at Rob lmao!
- After the “fight” - Rob to Jared: “You look great today!” Jared to Rob: “You look great, too!”
- Jensen jokes about Briana and Kim being an upgrade from Richard Speight (who isn’t there).
- Briana and Kim are fangirling on stage over J2: It’s such an honor to meet you! J2: It’s like this on set.
- The girls cheer after making Jared blush after all of the “filthy” Porncouver shenanigans.
- Bri and Kim takes off. Jensen: Wow, well that was new. Jared: How do we follow that?
- Jared gets Jensen coffee and his chair. Jensen: Look at that, isn’t that nice?
- Jared kicks the Castiel cardboard cutout down. Jensen: In the
business we call that a whip kick. Jensen stands it back up for Jared to
kick again lol.
- Jared doesn’t think comedy comes easy to him. Jensen talks about how
a lot of the comedy is spur of the moment stuff. (spoilers) Just the
other day they were shooting a scene where Sam and Dean pull up to a
locked gate. They’re supposed to walk around it but the director decided
it would be funny if Dean climbed it and Sam just walked right around
it. They were in their suits and it was the hottest day in Vancouver.
- Jensen saying Sam and Dean spurs on Salmon Dean jokes lol.
- Something they brought to their character another actor couldn’t have? Jared jokes: hair.
- If they were to liken Supernatural to another show it would be Star Wars, Sam as Luke and Dean as Han Solo.
- Jared talks about how Sam cares about other people and gets involved in their trials and tribulations.
- Jared said that Jensen has brought a vulnerability to Dean
Winchester and that type of character and feels it’s something you don’t
see outside of Supernatural for that archetype.
- Jensen says that Jared brings intelligence to the show and the
character. A lot of times Sam is the brooding, reluctant hero but Jared
has layered in a high intelligence that Jensen is not sure many actors
could layer that in so delicately.
- Jensen thinks he brought ruggedly handsome good looks to Dean. Jared
pushes him off his chair lol. Jared says Jensen has also brought a ton
of comedy to Dean. Jared thinks if Jensen didn’t have a mastery of
comedic elements, that Supernatural would be so bogged down in the
dramatic and wouldn’t be here today for s12. Aww :)
- Jensen says Jared doesn’t have funny shaped toes, they are a second
set of hands. You could rip his arms off and he would still get through
life fine. Jared says (minor spoilers) you will see his feet in episode
- Jared: I have larger than average toes. Jensen: That balances things out ;P
- Fan says she loves how J2, their wives and kids are one big family
and asks how it’s going to be going out to like restaurants when the
twins are born. J2 start whispering about a story that Jared wants
Jensen to tell. Jensen tells the story about the kids and how they were
in a play area. Sheppy picked up one of the toys, an older kid ripped it
out of Shep’s hands. JJ ripped the toy out of that kid’s hands. JJ
punched the kid and Tom came in like he was gonna start kicking the kid.
Jensen: It was like a two to three year old gang fight. Tom and Shep
are JJ’s boys. Jared: They all have matching tattoos lol.
- Dinners will be tough with so many kids. Jensen says when JJ was
born they would slide her underneath the table and she would just sleep
so things will be cool for awhile. They have the tranquilizer also known
as the iPad. Don’t like to use too often but it is necessary.
- Jensen got defensive when a stranger commented that JJ had Beats
headphones. Gave the guy an angry dad look and the guy walked away.
- The boys talk about terminology on set and where some of those
sayings came from as well as the differences between U.S. terms on set
vs Canadian. Jensen also comments that Canadians seem to know a lot more
about American politics than in the U.S. They see B.C. plates with
American candidate bumper stickers and are like why, we’re in Canada?
- J2 discuss improv and how it works on set. Says there’s more improv
in the rehearsal than shooting. There was a scene last year when the
boys switched Sam and Dean’s lines. Jared brings up the director Nina
Lopez-Corrado who did “Red Meat” and is back this season to direct. She
allows them room to include things not in the script and play around,
and the writers trust them to do that as well since J2 know Sam and Dean
better than anyone. In ep 5 (spoilers) there is a scene involving Dean
and pie that Jensen and Jared came up with.
- Jules from SuperWiki gets up to ask a question. Jared makes sure
everyone in the crowd knows about the website and has the crowd give her
a round of applause. Jared researches the SuperWiki regularly.
- They talk about the opening fight scene in “Red Meat” with the
werewolves and how it was a very long, grueling shoot. Fighting,
technical stuff in between, and then pulling the bullet out of Sam. They
knew it was going to be an awesome scene but that it would suck to
shoot. Nina came in and nailed.
- They both have a ton of love for Nina and her work as a director, and a ton of love for “Red Meat” as an episode.
- They love the MOTW eps.
- Fan: I notice that Jensen’s photo ops sell out super fast, so do you
guys have any friendly competition or betting as to who will sell out
faster? Jensen jokes: Well, we started betting early on and now I’ve
backed myself into a corner here because I buy ‘em all. So I have
thousands of photos of myself. Just so I can win a bet. One day I’ll
give ‘em all to Jared.
- Jensen’s serious answer: No. There’s no competitiveness when it
comes to that kind of stuff (with him and Jared). It is what it is and I
think he and I are both just thrilled to be selling a picture. If
you’re smart about your friendships, you leave those things alone.
- J2 tell the story about going to a charity event together and Eddie
Vedder from Pearl Jam was there. Jensen about Jared: He is a massive
Pearl Jam fan. After the concert Jensen was trying to keep it cool. They
had been serving drinks and Jared stumbled over, wasted lol. Jared goes
to Vedder: “What’re you drinking? Can I, can I try it?” And Eddie just
slowly hands it over. Jared takes a drink, “Right on.” And Eddie is
like, “You can keep it.” And that’s when Jensen grabbed Jared and pulled
him away and “home we went.”
- Once when Jensen was introduced to Kristen Wiig by Felicia Day:
“This is Jensen.” Jensen: “That’s what they call me.” Jensen was
mortified at himself lol.
- Jared knows the Eddie Vedder thing happened but he doesn’t necessarily recall it.
- Rob comes out to ask about it, says he has an Eddie Vedder story, too.
- Jensen goes on to explain that Vedder’s manager had invited them to
hang out with Vedder and just a few people, but that’s when Jared got
drunk and Jensen thought it was best to get him out of there instead
- Jared tells the story for Rob about how J2 and wives got backstage
passes to a Pearl Jam concert and how he fanboyed at seeing Mike
McCready from Pearl Jam and squeezed Gen’s hand too hard. Jensen teases
him for freaking out, mimicking him: “Should I go say hi? Jensen what
should I go. Should I go?” and goes on for forever lol! Jared was really
nervous and fanboying hard over Mike.
- Rob met Vedder twice. Apparently he also embarrassed himself in front of Eddie. “I’m just as bad as Jared.”
- During the last question the boys play around with talking at the
same time. Fan asks about spinoff with extended family. Every time they
say “Sam and Dean” the boys start doing the Salmon Dean “dance” lol.
Jensen asks the fan who she would like to see in a spinoff. She talks
- Jensen (spoilers) this season they’re going to “venture into the
hunter’s world” the network that exists out there. Not necessarily for a
spinoff but just to explore it.
- Briana and Kim come on stage and J2 clap for them and give them a
nod for Wayward Daughters. Jensen would love to see something more
happen from what the show has created. Like maybe a movie, a show
inspired by the characters of the show, he wants to see this family
continue. Jared agrees.
- Jensen starts impromptu singing as Jared slowly spins the fan in the chair lol.
- At the end: Jensen: “Jared Padalecki ladies and gentlemen!”
Jared: “Jensen Ackles!” Fist bump after thanking Vancouver, aka, their
second home :)
Info via: Periscope, Fangasm, Maisie, Ash, Kristin, Jessica, Sil’s livetweet list
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