Chicon 2016

Chicon 2016

J2 Chicon 2016 Gold Panel 

  •  Jared is wearing his green TWLOHA LOVE hoodie from his WSPD post (x) with his beanie and Jensen asks him if he’s going skiing. Jensen does not approve of the outfit because it’s 75 degrees lol. Jared says this is the earliest they have come to Chicago so he has his “Chicago bag” full of scarves and beanies.
  • Jensen: I love the thought of you opening your closet and it’s just like: Chicago, Atlanta, Phoenix, Dallas :P 
  • Jared defends his outfit saying it’s “cozy” and throwing on his hood saying he can “go night night” lol. 
  • They have finished filming the first five eps of s12!
  • Jared gives a “massive fucking thank you for Entertainment Weekly” for the cover shoot. They are grateful to everyone who voted :)
  • Jared’s mom sent him a text about how she became a subscriber to EW when he went off to LA and got the job on Gilmore Girls and now he finally made it to the cover aww. 
  • Who from their past jobs (specifically Gilmore Girls and Dawson’s Creek) would they bring onto Supernatural? Jensen: Joshua Jackson, who is a good buddy of his. 
  • Jared: Milo, Jess from Gilmore Girls. Jared talks about how Milo was the nicest guy and showed him the ropes when he was a kid. 
  • Jensen: Milo is a buddy of ours, Josh is a buddy of ours. Talks about how it’s nice having a rapport with these guys and nice working with people they get along with. 
  • They tell a story about how J2 and Kerr Smith went to the premiere night for My Blood Valentine in 3D. They snuck in and were joking about how the audience wearing the 3D glasses were probably thinking how amazing the new 3D glasses were (because Jensen and Kerr are in the movie). At the end of the movie they tried to bail quickly before the credits and noticed a lot of people pointing at them like wait, did you see that?? They rushed out of there lol. 
  • Fan tells Jared to bring Chad Michael Murray, too. Jared: Yeah, him too he’s a buddy of ours as well. Bring ‘em all! 
  • A fan asks if their approach to their characters has changed over the years. Jensen still tries to do the same approach to Dean and it’s become easier to do because it’s become repetitive over the years. Kripke wrote such a great character.
  • Jared says that he struggled a lot in the first couple of seasons with Sam because Sam was trying to find himself and so was Jared - he wonders how much character bleed there was.
  • He’s more comfortable with Sam now because he’s finding himself and more comfortable with Sam and Dean because Sam is as well. 
  • Jensen says Sam and Dean (referring to the Salmon Dean joke) and Jared briefly acts out Salmon Dean.
  • Jensen thinks that over the years there is now more of a distinction between Sam and Jared and Jensen and Dean, because in the early years they were using personal experiences and characteristics to play them, but after playing the characters for so long they became their own individual beings. 
  • If their kids wanted to act what would their advice be? Jared jokes a kick to the face. Jensen hopes that his kid’s experience to his job would be the same with Jensen and his dad, who has been in the business his whole life. His dad was very supportive even though he knew it was a very fickle and “damaging” industry. He and Jared have both have had many friends who have attempted to work in the industry and it hasn’t worked out which is tough. Support and nurture your kids whatever they wanna do. Make sure their heads are screwed on tight. 
  • Jared agrees but adds that he’s had a lot of “joy and a lot of pain” by being in the public eye. His advice to his kids would be that to be an actor they don’t have to be on television or in movies. He feels acting is about expressing yourself and trying to find a way to tell stories through another character’s dialogue - if that’s important to his kids and if they have a need to explore themselves and others through that dialogue and story then he would support them but remind them that they don’t have to do it in Hollywood. If that’s where it takes them though, that’s okay.
  • Jensen agrees with Jared that acting shouldn’t be about wanting to be famous, but from a desire to want to explore and be expressive. 
  • Jared: “As long as they can find happiness, cool.” 
  • Fan: What’s your favorite kind of noodle? Jared: Canoodle *mimes mic drop* After some laughter Jensen says “I’m glad you asked.” 
  • Fan asks about Sheppard TV, referring to when Mark pranked Jared by messing with his teleprompter lol. The video Jensen took hasn’t been posted because it is “laced with profanity.” Mark wants to edit it first lol. Jared explains the prank, how they have to do a bunch of different taglines for the show for a bunch of different countries. Jared likes to read the teleprompter first and make sure he won’t stutter through it. Saw it was basically an advertisement for “Mark Sheppard TV” and was like what the fuck?? 
  • Jared: “We love him” re: Mark. 
  • A fan yells out and gives them a hard time for them not taking questions on that side. Jensen: Alright, if it’ll make you feel better, how about the woman behind you? Jared cracks up and taps Jensen on the arm, giving him a quick little high-five lol. 
  • They try to bring out the cranky European in Mark. Jensen: The curmudgeon.
  • Jensen got a text from Jason that made Jensen LOL- Jared: Then he showed it to me! The text was Jason saying he watched a video with J2M2 for Supernatural and how J2M looked refreshed and toned and “then there’s Mark” haha poor Mark. 
  • There’s some noise backstage, Jared goes and looks and comes back and says, “It’s Dad” aka JDM :)
  • Fan asks about Mary being on the show and how it might affect life in the bunker or hunting or the issues with the British MOL? Jared starts to talk about how they have noticed a little bit of the effect of her being around.  
  • JDM crashes the panel. 
  • The boys give JDM big hugs. He talks about how they went to dinner last night and all that food slows down his photo ops lol. 
  • They ask him what his favorite noodles are and it turns into a pasta conversation on stage. JDM: is this what you guys talk about at your panels?? 
  • J2 take off with JDM at the end of the panel. 
Info via: Periscope, Fangasm, iwinsoiwin, cupcake_harryyxSil’s livetweet list

J2 Chicon 2016 Main Panel  

  • Richard fanboys over J2, “faints” from their musk. 
  • The boys talk about how they started their Supernatural family in Chicago 8-9 years ago where they had their first convention.  
  • Someone screams that Jensen is hot and Jared fans himself and says, “I know, and he’s right next to me!” A male fan then yells out something to Jared (I think he said Jared has better hair, kind of hard to hear) but Jared goes, “Yes! Who said that?” and rushes off stage to high-five the guy and give him a big hug. Jensen: And that’s why I don’t grow my hair out. 
  • Jared mentions that today is the 15 year anniversary of 9/11, says that it was a “horrific tragedy that perpetuated a terrible cycle.” He asks if everyone could turn off their phones and cameras for a moment of silence for the victims. After the moment of silence, Jared: “Rest In Peace.” 
  • Jared: Let’s go back to being silly and loving life. 
  • Someone asks about good things to do in Austin and Jared talks about ACL and how much of Austin was built on love of live music. End of September or early October is a good time to visit Austin. 
  • Fan was crying during her question and Jensen told her to think of tacos lol. 
  • The fan wants to know what cologne they wear. Jensen says that’s a big secret. 
  • Jared: I love Misha a lot. Jensen: I don’t even know you anymore. Jared talks about how he loves Misha but every so often Misha will show up on set after and they’re like, “Oh shit, Misha’s on the crystals again.” Apparently sometimes Misha will use vegan crystal deodorant. “True natural musk.”  
  • Jared says he wears Old Spice High Endurance. Jensen: That’s not cologne. Jared defends that it’s part of his manly smell lol.  Jensen: Whatever the one Natalie Portman advertises. 
  • Jensen to the fan: Take a whiff next time you get a hug. Jared: Right now! Stands up to hug the fan so she can smell him. Jensen: Just drink it in. Now go to the cologne store and buy that smell. Jared to fan: What are you wearing, you smell really good! Jensen: It would be perfume, Jared!
  • Jensen left the stage to give a coughing fan a bottle of water. Suddenly the whole room starts coughing. Jared mimics Jensen walking up the stairs and waving his butt lol. 
  • A fan asked where they would like to go internationally and someone said Kansas City and so they called out the fan lol. Jared’s grandparents are from Poland so would like to visit there. Also Russia and China. Jensen: They’ve never gone far east, like Japan, China, etc. 
  •  J2 get distracted when Jared notices a long hair on Jensen and has to pull it off causing him to miss the fan’s question lol. Jensen tried to bite him, they started picking hairs off each other.
  • Jensen teases Jared about his gray hairs. Jared: Wisdom hairs. Jensen: That’s cute.
  • Favorite death scene? Jensen: Least favorite was the hellhounds. Wardrobe had lots of plumbing for all of the blood; Jensen knew it was gonna be a bad day. Talks about having to deal with all of that fake blood and how it dried up. He then says that Sam’s tears are like “angel baby tears” and helped to clean the blood away lol. Jensen thinks the best deaths were the ones he doesn’t have bad memories.
  • Jared says when Sam was stabbed in the back in AHBL because it felt “final and scary.” The toughest one for Jared to deal with on the show was actually Mystery Spot when Dean gets shot at the bottom of the stairwell and it was difficult for Jared to film it. He took Mystery Spot serious, like his brother was really dying over and over. 
  • A fan starts to say, “Me and a bunch of mental illness sufferers-” and Jared stops her and says, “You’re not a mental illness sufferer, you’re a mental illness conqueror” because she’s there today talking with them. “Keep conquering it.” 
  • Fan asks how Jared got the courage to open up about his mental illness. Jared: I got to a place where I frankly didn’t have any choice. It was that or nothing, and it was a call for help and help was offered, more than I ever could’ve imagined. And a lot of times if you’ve dealt with mental conditions, then you just have extra emotion problem and you have an extra thought (?) problem. Some people can ignore it and some people can deal with it. I couldn’t, not without help. Jared thought it was the best way to deal with it and conquer it. Got to the point where he had no other option. He says that he thankfully had the fans and friends and family, “including this short-haired dude next to me” to help him. Says it’s day by day. 
  • Jensen is asked about Lazarus Rising. He confirms that he was really buried and how he had to crawl out of the grave which was a 5 foot tall hole with a tornado hatch for him to crouch in and crawl out of. Jensen talks about the process of getting through the dirt and how it was sticking to him, bad allergy season, he was sneezing a lot. It reminds Jared from a scene of Ace Ventura with Jim Carrey, “except handsomer” lol. 
  • Fan asks what kind of anime they watch. Jensen: What kind do you think? The regular kind! Sickos lol. Jared: (spoiler) What’s funny is that this week we’re filming a scene where we find out what kind of anime Dean watches.  
  • Fan asks: S12 starts with Mary, Dean, and Cas trying to get Sam back. Wants to know about the dynamic with his dead mom and best friend. Jensen: I thought you said Cas was there? lol 
  • Jensen jokes about Misha’s crystal deodorant in the warm summer, then says: Dynamic with Mom being back is kind of odd and awkward because there is no real relationship with mom. They were just a baby/toddler so their relationship never panned out to anything. So to now have her back in the fray it’s kind of like having a stranger in the house. Awkward feeling, but works well given the context of the storyline. Interesting relationship from Cas’ standpoint because he feels like this is something the boys would like to have and thinks Mary can be their friend and Cas can go do other things. Jensen: He doesn’t, unfortunately. 
  • An old director of theirs, Robbie Duncan McNeill, was over at the Star Trek convention and crashed the panel to say hi to the boys (he directed Skin in season one). Lots of hugs, the boys start reminiscing with him about some memories from set. They know he’s busy but would love to have him back. Robbie worked with Jensen on Dawson’s Creek and Jared fangirls over Jensen. Robbie was excited to do that ep of SPN knowing Jensen was in it. Then says it was awkward with Jared because he had a crush on him lol!
  • Robbie talks about the love of the fandoms, SPN, Star Trek, etc. 
  • A young girl starts to ask a question and she starts to cry and the boys rush off stage to hug her. Jared picks her up and brings her on stage. It’s her first convention. They put her on stage and Jared kneels next to her pointing out the fans saying they are all friends and family. The girl talks about being excited and how Jensen lifting her up during photo ops was the best feeling in the world. Jensen hugs her and Jared gives him a slap on the back. 
  • She asks what Supernatural monster they would be? Jensen: I would be a wendigo because I would be taller than Jared. Jared: Demon in a leather jacket ‘cause clearly Sam likes demons in leather jackets. 
  • Jared talks about the haunted hotel room story with him and Gen. In the past before the show he would have packed up and left but after being on the show he’s like “I’m Sam Winchester. If you kill me I’m gonna come back to life and messed you up.” Jensen: That’s weird you called me that night and said, “Hey I’m gonna need you to speak in your Dean voice I’m gonna put you on speaker.” :P  
  • Jensen says he hasn’t experienced supernatural stuff, but probably has and didn’t know it. Immune to it now. Lights flicker, room goes cold, not a big deal. He doesn’t instantly think it’s something else. 
  • Favorite musicals/plays? Jared: Book of Mormon, The Fantasticks and “definitely” the play Jensen was in (A Few Good Men) and then he lays his head on Jensen’s shoulder. He also liked My Hearts in the Highlands.
  • Jared to Jensen: Frozen is not a musical. 
  • Jared dropped the mic on his junk. Jensen asks if he’s okay. Jared: I’m not having kids for a while. 
  • Jensen: West Side Story and Cyrano. 
  • Fan asks how do Sam and Dean get by with credit card fraud? Jensen says he believes that there are people to help get rid of evidence when the boys do a crime, like Jody Mills, etc. Jared asks if there’s law enforcement there because clearly the fan is trying to learn how to commit credit card fraud lol. 
  • First ever male fan last question. He told Jared, my wife is gonna be so jealous! He asks about a possible Supernatural movie. Jensen says that a feature would occur after the show ends as a TV series. When/if that day does come to an end on TV there will be heavy talks about a movie. 
  • Richard: 3D! 
Info via: Periscope, Fangasm, CherieKristincupcake_harryyx, Sil’s livetweet list

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