lunedì 16 marzo 2015

VegasCon J2 Panel & Winchester Family Reunion!

- Jared and Jensen just crashed the JDM panel!
- Jensen: "You know what'd be great is if mom was here too." Sam comes up from backstage!
- Winchester family on stage!
- Jared is wearing his keep fighting shirt with a plaid shirt and his leather jacket
- Jensen: "This is what ten years does to a family." Jensen and Jared making sure we've been treating JDM right.
- JDM re the audience: Jared and Jensen are what makes us family. Their influence. They're amazing.
- This has become a Winchester panel! They are staging a really awkward family photo for fun.
- JDM telling Jared he wants to come back with Sam, and Jensen to direct them. Jared "the three of us could totally mess with him."  
- Jensen: "I'm right here you know" as Jared/JDM/Sam plotting to mess with him on set.

 - Jared is having JDM teach him how to take fan questions. "Teach us, Father!"
-  JDM is teaching the boys how to run a panel. He stands up and goes questioner to questioner. None of their lazy sitting down.
-  Alternative question: does JDM worry that what happened Mary was a PTSD episode. Gets flustered. Embarrassed he doesn't have a good answer.
-  Lots of jokes being traded back and forth. Jeff flipping JA off for giving him a hard time.
- JDM hugs the fan with the two difficult questions because they're so good and he felt bad for not having answers.
-  "oh shit" -- JDM about an incoming question about only playing dead fathers
-  JDM claims agent responds to parts as "wait, he's a dad and he gets to die? He's totally into that sh*t."
-  "Have you seen my kids -- they're huge!" Points to j2
-  Jensen says he's totally going to steal JDM's response to questions he doesn't have answer for: "Huh?", then give hug.
-  JDM got Watchmen part and read script. Died on page two. Called agent to complain. "Did you READ the rest of the script?"
-  J2 and Sam are giving JDM so much shit
-  "cry me a river, buddy" -- Sam Smith to JDM when he complains about always dying
-  JDM keeps saying "Shoot the moon!" Jensen: "Imma get that tattooed on my shoulder tomorrow morning!"
-  Jensen just called him "JDM"
-  Girl in Cas dress was nervous talking to JDM. So he sat her on stage between Js, himself and Sam. Even more nervous.
- Last question favorite person to work w on SPN JDM @RealNickiAycox @SamSmithTweets @jarpad @JensenAckles
- "How do I pick between Jared and Jensen?" JDM when asked his favorite co-star
-  Jensen's favorite: Rob Benedict, of course.
-  JDM: And I know what Jared, Jensen, Sam will say: Jeffrey Dean!
-  .@JensenAckles and @jarpad both chose @RobBenedict!
-  Jared smacked JDM on the ass as he walked out. J2 panel starting now
-  Jensen: Did JDM mention in S11, I'll be same age he was in pilot? Means that in S22, I'll look like him. Lose weight, hit tanning
-  Jared would've loved to play Harley in "Back roads." Character is too young for him now.
-  Harley was named after a character from the book "Backroads" that Jared liked
-  If you could turn any book into film & play character, which? JP: Too old now, but teen Harley - named dog for character in book.
-  @jarpad just called @JensenAckles "Shackles"
-  Jensen jokes that he would've loved to be in Harry Potter.
-  Jensen: when he's not on set or here he's with his family or trying to play golf.
-  "The Final Rounds" is the book Jensen would like to make into a movie and play a role.
-  Asked about the Taylor Swift song again
-  Jensen says that the Taylor Swift song wasn't in script. Had to re shoot the scene to fit it
- "No one puts Tay Tay in the corner" - Jared
-  Jensen is making fun of Jared's movie references.
-  "Nobody puts Tay-Tay in a corner."-JP "You've referenced Dirty Dancing and Taylor Swift. I don't even know you anymore."-JA
-  Jensen says it should have been "She's like the wind" by Patrick Swayze
-  Jared's guilty pleasure song: Nick Jonas "Jealous". Jensen: he's not joking!
-  Jensen and Jared are chest popping on stage right now to the music.
-  Jensen just did a little shoulder wiggle dance.
-  Someone used that song repeatedly to wake Jared up. Jensen: "Like Asia?" Rich runs on the stage: "Did someone say Asia?"
-  Jensen says the Ed S. song sung last night is his guilty pleasure.
-Jensen felt guilty about liking a Ed Sheehan song until Gil sang it
-   jensen: i felt guilty listening to ed sheeran until gil sang it now i'm like 'I LOVE THAT SONG' don't tell my wife though
-  Rich just revealed that Gil wasn't there for the practice with the band. Jensen sang it with them.
- Jensen says he's asked Jared nine times for an "Always Keep Fighting" shirt butnJared doesn't have any in his size yet.
- Jared says the only sizes he has for prizes for the t shirts fundraiser are medium and large. Too small!
-  "If you sing ed sheeran I can't promise this shirt will stay on"
-  Jared jokes that if the characters were female, Dean would have better hair
-  jared: should i give jensen a shirt? crowd: SCREAMS jared: goes to take off his shirt
 - If Sam and Dean were female. Jared: Dean would have better hair. Jensen: (Dean voice) This is gorgeous!
-Jensen jokes that if Sam were female, he'd wear less makeup. All ooooh. Jensen shouts "painted whore!"
-  And a pranking question for J2. If Jared were a couch, he'd be long. BECAUSE HE'S TALL. All are laughing their asses off at innuendo.
-  Off topic to couches innuendo. Jensen "mine would be a love seat." Jared "mine would be extra long." Because he's TALL.
-  JP: With film, you have to wear a lot of makeup. Shot with film first 2 seasons. Now w digital, very little; just hide eye bags.
-  Jared telling a story about asking hotel for a room for only two hours at the airport hotel.
-  They'd just been filming & were covered in makeup. Hotel offered them a king room - Vancouver is progressive.
-  Hey asked for a discount, jensen "they said no, we're gonna have to clean the sheets"
-  Jensen "can we cntrl +alt+delete everything that just happened?
-  JDM just came up during that moment to get his coffee. Hilarious!
-  Jensen now asking us all to delete this video and calls JDM back onstage for help
-  Jensen is begging for a new question now!
-  Jared's favorite Dean scene: the soliloquy over Sam's body in AHBL
-  Jared jokes that the more miserable Dean is, the more he likes the scene.
-  Jensen loves when Jared played Satan in the white suit.
-  Jensen says he was a little upset about it bc Dean is so heavy in ep, and Jared was in Hawaii
-  Jensen says that Jared came in all rested and tan, and Jensen had been working his butt off.
-  Jensen is so proud of Jared's work as Lucifer in the white suit during "The End".
-  Twitter question: "thanks for letting us bitch to airlines" - Jared
-  The guys have thanked us for not unfollowing them as they argue with airlines on social media.
-  Guy next to Jensen on stranded Dallas flight told him he wished tweeting to airlines worked, not knowing who he was
- Jensen goes "watch this" and ten minutes later they got a gate. Man next to him says "who ARE you??"
-  Jensen apologizes for us having to listen to the complaining. He just wanted to see his baby.
-  Jared interjects: "he's Dean freaking Winchester!"
- Jensen says he told the man that he's nobody, but there are people out there who will fight for him (fandom).
-  Jensen is explaining how big the SPN Xmas party is. Wardrobe waited till j2 had already partied a bit then gave costumes.
-  What's most important thing fatherhood taught you? JP: "I'm so sorry, you were entirely right." JA: "Complete capitulation!"
-  Most important lesson in fatherhood they've learned so far. Jared says as you have kids, your heart grows to make more love.
-JP is scared of flying now because he doesn't want to be without his kids if something happens
-  JP: Seriously, when you have kids, your heart grows. Your priorities change. JA: Showed me how selfish I really was.
-  Jensen says parenthood has showed him how selfish he was. All the focus got shifted. The world isn't yours, it's theirs.
-  JA: Made decisions based on how things affected me. Once had child, world isn't yours any more; it's theirs. Do things for them.
-  JP watched childbirth twice and we are certainly not stronger sex.
-  JP: Now I'm scared of flying, like Dean in Phantom Traveler; don't want to take chances. JA: I exercise to be healthy for family.
-  JA: I get up in the morning and go to work to provide for my daughter, my wife.
-  Jared wishes John had taught the boys, and what he wants to teach his kids, is "this too shall pass."
-  Jensen wants to teach his kid "call your parents." Jared: "Call you what?"
-  What advice as & from parents to help get through? JA: I'll tell my kids, call your parents. Support & help always available.
-  Did they give JDM any survival tips? Jared: "Nope! Straight into the fire." Jensen: "The deep end."
-  Words of wisdom for JDM and @TravisAaronWade for 1st time con. JP you're already part of family. They will love you.
- Jared says he think it would be fun to go back and redo the pilot episode.
-  Jared jokes that Jensen could play John.
-  jensen: what if 10 years from now dean gets married and has two kids and then walks into find his wife burning on the ceiling
-  and then he tells the kids "TAKE YOUR BROTHER OUTSIDE" and the show continues for another 10 years
-  And Jared says he can be Uncle Sammy and wear hats and say "Balls" a lot
-  Jensen would redo the French Mistake. Not to better it, just because it was fun!
-  Tom has a newfound attitude and has started saying "oh really?"
-  JA talking about JP face timing with Tom yesterday "Look it's Uncle Jensen!" Tom started playing and JA realized Tom was fully naked
- Jared: He's trying to woo his future father in law.
-  The kids were all hanging out last weekend. The kids are ALL sick
-  All three kids are sick right now because they were playing together. Which is why Jared is sick now.
-  danneel was stuck in traffic and jj threw up all over herself and danneel couldn't clean it so jj tried to do it herself
-  Jared talking about going to the Winchester Mystery House with his family a few years back. Fan suggested it as a show road trip
-  Jensen thinks that Dean on a roller coaster would be funny. He'd probably be afraid like on airplanes.
-  Jared already talking about JJ should choose between thomas or shep and Jensen agrees "good choices"
-  JA joked about Danneel telling him about JJ cleaning her own puke. "Like her daddy. How much did she have to drink last night?"
-  Jensen telling about his ghost experience. Door closed. Then felt someone standing directly behind him. Slowly turned around 'I'll be cool if you'll be cool'
-  Jared telling haunted hotel ghost story. Talks to ghosts. "We're on a date night. We hired a nanny. Can you not haunt us tonight?"
-  If book was written about them what would title be. Fan suggests JP incredibly tall and kinda goofy
-  JA would name his "Still waiting...on Jared"
-  Jared's: "I'll be out in a minute."
-  Jared says he'd love to do things with his boys, maybe coach.
-  fan: what would be the first thing you'd do when the show ends? jared: SLEEP jensen: find a way to bring the show back
-  They both would want to go and spend more than two days a week at home. JP wants to marathon SPN all through after, too.
-  Jared's fave costume was the white suit. Jensen's "by far" is the Frontierland one.ensen says they have the Frontierland outfit preserved for him to run away with after the show ends
-  Fan: "I'm super nervous." Jared: "I'm Supernatural." It was just too easy!
-  Jensen says if Jared cuts his hair, he"ll grow his out
-  Jared says he wants a bit of a beard because Tom likes to scratch his and Jensen's beards
-  Who's the better skier? JA is probably a better technical one, JP is faster.
-  fan: which one of you is a better skiier? jared: that's a good question jensen: no it's not.. beCAUSE I AM
-  The band is playing the hula hoop song. Jensen's hips are going. Jared spins his around his arm.
-  Jensen is shaking his booty at the audience.
-  Post hula hoop hipping - JA: "Mr. and Mrs. Padalecki, I apologize."
-  After hula, JA: "My apologies, Mr & Mrs Padalecki!) DS to JA: That was Jerk du Soleil! ROFL: Jensen lost it, full body laugh!
-  Jensen is singing along the Last Question song. Jared introducing himself to girl, getting her name.
-  If one of your characters had to die, how would you want it to happen? JP: TOGETHER.
- Jensen is now singing "I don't wanna lose your love tonight" with Rob, Rich on the cowbell.


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