lunedì 16 marzo 2015

VegasCon J2 Gold Panel

- Jared apologizes that he missed the show last night. He is sick right now. "I missed Mom, I missed Dad..."
-  Jared's real dad met JDM for the first time. Went "okay, he's about my height.."
- Jared "don't get too close to me, I'm not feeling that well"
- Js talking about how Jared has great luck gambling while Jensen does not.
 -  Jared asks if we miss the show. Yes. He says he misses the show too. Hugs Jensen. Jensen is now asking for Purel.

 - JA is unlucky at gambling so doesn't gamble much.
-  Jensen says last night was the first time Jeff and Sam had seen each other since the pilot.
-  First question: a gift for Danneel. Jensen goes "that's right!" About her birthday coming up. He'd love to give her the msgs
-  We gave Jensen the Happy Birthday book to Danneel! He thanks all the hundreds of fans that contributed
- A fan came up with a present for Danneel and Jensen said he'd definitely give it to her

Sam and Deans little sister would be tough. And sick of her brothers.
-  JP sorry missed last night but feeling under weather. Advised people 2 wash hands after meeting him today. Fans: Not a chance.
-  A Winchester sister would be tough, sick of their shit. Jensen: "Jo was the closest thing the brothers had to a little sister."
- Dean feels protective of charlie like a big brother
-  Jensen: Charlie is another little sister. Jared: I think Sam and Charlie are more teammates than brother/sister.
- Someone suggested Jensen needs to strike a superhero pose and declare "For Justice!" For diaper changes. Jared on floor laughing
- Jensen hums Disney songs to JJ to calm her down
- Jensen: Doctor said "Finally there's a little Justice in the world!"
- Pediatrician checked out Justice, said "Finally there's a little Justice in the world." Jensen knew he'd never top it.
- Jensen's real life phobia is dolls. Jared: Not true. He loves them!
-  Ever faced their real-life phobias? JP: "we haven't done an episode with bears yet." JA: "Dolls." Playthings with antique dolls.
- JJ got American Girl doll. Jensen hates the eyes that open and close. JJ stabbing her in eye with finger while JA cheered.
- Jared actually used to love clowns. Had a picture of him on clown bedsheets growing up.

 - Last name as unit of measurement. Ackles = Hot/Heat.
-  What would Jensen's name be if it were a unit of measure! Heat.
-  "It goes Kelvin. Then Ackles."
-  F: Concert last night was amazing because of feeling last night both on stage and off stage. Such a sense of family.
Jensen on sat night special: there's an energy there. I might do it again, it was a lot of fun
-  Jensen saw concert for the 1st time in Phoenix. He gave vague answer on doing it something in Vegas and Rich wouldn't let that go
-  JA there is an energy when music, band, audience come together. Might do it again. Was a lot of fun.
-  Jensen loved the vibe & atmosphere of the Saturday night concert and would like to do it again but it depends on time & schedule
-  Jared claiming Misha and Jensen between takes often jumping up and down. They just grabbed a shot. Laughter.
-  Fan thanking Jensen for last night. Jensen (saucily - "you're welcome." Jared- "the Ackles just went up in here."Jared : the Ackles just raised in here... Jensen : did u really just say that?
-  Jensen and Misha doing a shot at the farm. A lot of people taking pics of sunset. They went walking to see what of.
-  Jensen wrapped his arm around Misha and said "we should totally tweet a taster's choice moment" as a laugh.
-  Jensen: Misha & I did the jumping photo in one take and of course Misha chooses the one where I look like a ballerina...
-  Fan asked JA to do hula hoop dance from Phx, JA said key element missing = @LoudenSwain1 maybe later.
-  Re: depression. Not everyone who deals with depression looks the same, has the same background, shows it the same.-Jared
-  Jared taking about the #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign and how important it to raise awareness and remove the stigma from it
-  Hopefully AlwaysKeepFighting is starting to destigmatize these issues that people should talk about. -Jared
-  Jared: It's been fun working more with Mark and Misha. It becomes easy to work with them and bounce things back and forth.
-  Jensen: "There's a reason Misha and Mark are the only two other season regulars on the show." They're comfortable and professional
-  JA: We, Misha, & Mark spend too much time on & off screen to not really enjoy each other's company. We always work well together
-  Jared jokingly saying that he had 5 days shooting with Mark s. In the s8 finale, he had to stare at him everyday, it was like hell
- Costume person on set made JJ blanket of Frozen characters b/c JJ isn't even two yet but is obsessed. Jensen knows all the words.
-  Fan complimenting boys on conduct and how they treat people who visit set and as we r fans proud of them for that.
-  Asking of actors who would they like on show? JP: Danneel JA: oh I was thinking RDJ, but obviously Danneel!
-  Jared and Jensen want Shatner on. Just to mess with Misha. They think the crossover of genre stars has been awesome.
-  Jared read an Arrow/SPN crossover fic. Ollie and Dean didn't like each other. Sam had to intervene.


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